Sunday, February 21, 2021

Nichols Cemetery

I’m taking a day out touring and decide to learn more about the Nichols Cemetery, a frequent stop on SLBC rides. My route takes me west on Hwy 475 over the I75 bridge shortly after which I see the sign for Nichols Cemetery and follow CR 246 to the gate.

It is a family cemetery established in 1880 on land donated by W. R. “Bob” Nichols Sr. who was the first to be buried there by his son Judson Nichols. I walk around the older section of the cemetery and find his grave marked with a tombstone on which the family name is spelled “Nickols”. I am disappointed by not finding anything else about him until I use the men’s washroom where I find his picture on the wall - Bingo!
 Afterward I continue south along CR 246 but instead of taking the left turn back to 475 I decide to ride straight up the stone, grass and sand road to Scenic View Alpacas and take some pictures before finding my way back to Hwy 475 and having lunch at the bar of the Whispering Pines Winery. A seriously good ride.

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