Sunday, August 23, 2020

Annie Oakley - Sharpshooter

Sharp shooter Annie Oakley and her husband spent winters in Leesburg from 1911 to 1923. She planned on moving there until her beloved dog Dave was killed by a car on February 25, 1923. She wanted Dave to be buried in Leesburg's Lone Oak cemetery. But the powers that be said "No" so she buried Dave at the home of friend in Montclair, left town and never returned. A sad state of affairs.
There is a beautiful bronze statue of Annie Oakley and her dog Dave in the garden behind the Leesburg library.

 Annie Oakley with Dave and her Husband Frank Butler. Dave, an English Setter was 10 years old when he died.
If you wish to see an English Setter then look around for Dawson the next time you stop at the Fenney Recreation Center. Dawson often walks his folks down there.

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